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Ofsted Inspection 2015


The quality and standards of the early years provision This inspection: Good


How well the early years provision meets the needs of the range of children who attend:  Good


The contribution of the early years provision to the well-being of children: Good


The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the early years provision: Good


The setting meets legal requirements for early years settings Summary of key findings for parents This provision is:  good  


The childminder provides a wide range of resources and plans purposeful and incorporates challenging activities, which effectively supports children to make consistently good progress in their learning.


The childminder skilfully extends children's communication and language development through appropriate questioning and the introduction of new words to develop their vocabulary. As a result, children are becoming confident communicators.


Children are happy and confident and develop close emotional attachments with then childminder. As a result, they feel safe and secure in the welcoming, nurturing environment, where they have consistent boundaries and familiar routines.


The childminder teaches children about good hygiene routines and provides a widen variety of nutritious snacks, which successfully promotes their good health.  


The childminder is fully committed to providing a high quality service for all childrenn and their families. She has attended training since her last inspection, which has had a significant impact on the learning experiences she offers children.




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